May 30, 2011 - Allstate Insurance Class Action Lawsuit Settlement - Claim Form

The Allstate Insurance Class Action Lawsuit Settlement is about the Homeowners Insurance Structural Loss. This is also about the Contractor's Overhead and Profit Claims. Allstate will give your compensation if you are eligible to take part. If you are, you are considered a class member. If you can take part, you have to submit a claim form. You can get a copy of the claim form at So if you had Allstate Homeowners Insurance, you may have money coming to you because when Allstate paid your Homeowners Insurance claims for Structural Loss, they did not include the proper amount for the General Contractor's Overhead and profit claims.

Owning a home is expensive enough. I own my own home although the value of my house has gone down and I am losing money on it. I definitely do not want to lose my home since this is the only home my daughter knows, it is hard to make ends meet in this economy and if an insurance company does not give you what you deserve in terms of your claims, then you should definitely take part in the Allstate Insurance Class Action Lawsuit Settlement. If this happened to me, I definitely would be taking part.

All the information you need you will be able to get at the website at So do not delay if you want to take part. You have a chance to get 10% to 17.5% of the amount that you did receive from Allstate for your claim. View more visit

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