Dec 25, 2010

Bank of America Buys Ahead of WikiLeaks Dump

WikiLeaks may be under intense scrutiny, and its founder Julian Assange may face criminal charges from a number of sources, but damning information waits for no man. There's strong reason to believe that WikiLeaks will be publishing information about Bank of America and its CEO, Brian Moynihan, in the very near future. Assange said in a recent interview that he would be releasing information about a major U.S. bank, and that the data is incriminating enough to make the executives resign. In 2009, Assange said that he had five gigabytes worth of data from a Bank of America executive's hard drive.

We can only assume then that Bank of America's recent domain buying spree is in preparation for a leak. According to Domain Name News, the bank recent snatched up hundreds of domain names relating to its CEO and board of directors. Addresses like, and variations on that theme have been purchased by the bank, presumably in an attempt to offer some protection to its executives, including Charles Noski, Charles Holliday and Charles Rossotti. (They really fond of their Chucks at BoA). Enterprising domain squatters and muckrakers will still find plenty of negative domains out there to be had, though. Best of all, the domains could make great stocking stuffers for the bank's customers. Happy Holidays!

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