Dec 29, 2010

Bank of America Home Retention Program Address

Bank of America Home Retention Program for Countrywide Customers across the nation has really benefited the borrowers suffering from troubled mortgage because of predatory lending. This special program has been announced by Bank after acquiring Countrywide. Bank of America Retention plan has been developed by 11 attorneys general and the team from bank. With this home retention program, troubled mortgage will be modified, benefiting about 400,000 Countrywide Financial Corporation customers throughout the nation. Under this programs customer from the Countrywide who have taken subprime loan or adjustable rate mortgage before December 31, 2007 have been benefited. The main aim of this Bank of America home retention plan was to help the homeowners in keeping their home.

Under this retention plan, first of all eligibility of borrowers is checked. Customer who uses the home as primary residence are eligible for this retention program. No loan modification fee and prepayment penalties will be charged on the eligible customer by Countrywide. During this period no foreclosure sale is done. Then new modified loan is presented that makes the monthly payment less than earlier and helps the borrowers to retain the home. Under loan modification, Bank of America home retention program will will make the payment of principal, interest rate, insurance and taxes to be equal to 34% income of borrower.

Bank of America ownership retention program include modification that are:

* Changes in the interest rate so that monthly payment get reduced
* FHA refinancing
* Restoring lost equity by reducing principal amount on Pay Option of adjustable rate mortgage.

Bank of America Home Retention Address:

Home Retention Department
475 CrossPoint Pkwy
Getzville, NY 14068

More Information Visit:

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