Jan 3, 2011

Bank of America Mortgage Customer Service

Bank of America Mortgage Customer Service Representative can be contacted to get information on general as well as specific mortgage related issues. The customer service representative can also be contacted to check whether you prequalify for the loan or not. Even BofA online banking, fax, phone number or mailing contact address can also be used for the same.

Bank of America Online Banking has really pushed the customer service aside and in a way given this department a little relief. With online banking, information regarding mortgage account can be checked from anywhere and at any time. In this, present principal balance, interest rate, due date for the payment can be checked. Along with this account holder can also check the activity of the last 24 months and information related to tax and escrow. For online banking you need ID and Passcode or password. But any point in time if you need to reset the passcode you can contact the Bank of America customer service for help.

Bank of America mortgage help comes in the form of various assistance programs that have been specifically redesigned for the struggling borrowers. In these mortgage assistance program, the loan repayment methods are revised on the basis of your current financial condition. But if you want to meet the Bank of America mortgage officers personally then, Bank of America mortgage office close to your location can also be visited. Online in the official website, you can find the mortgage office and officers who can guide you on home loan types and other related issues.

Bank of America Mortgage Customer Service Phone Number

Existing Customer can call 1.800.669.6607, Mon-Fri from 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM ET to get info on mortgage and refinance loan.

New Users can call 1.888.293.0264, Mon-Fri from 8:00AM to 11:00 PM ET for the same. The phone line is open from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM ET on Saturday.

Talk to the customer care representative to know about your loan options: 1.800.551.7975

Check whether you prequalify for the loan or not at 1.800.778.0298

Bank of America Mortgage Customer Service Address

With this web link the mortgage loan office near to your location can be found out.

Website: http://mortgage.bankofamerica.com/officesearch

Locate a Mortgage Loan Officer near you

Website: http://mortgage.bankofamerica.com/mlosearch

To check the status of your Mortgage Application online visit the web address given here and sign in with your loan number.

Website: https://www7.bankofamerica.com/mortgage/status/signin-interstitial.go

Send your mail at the address given below:
Bank of America Corporate Center
100 North Tryon Street
Charlotte, North Carolina 28255

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