Jan 3, 2011

www.nu.edu.bd- National University of Bangladesh Honours 1st Year Admission Test Results 2010-10

The National University was established in 1992 under an act of Parliament of the Government of the people’s republic of Bangladesh with features distinct from those of the traditional Universities of the country. The National University caters the general education at graduate and post-graduate level in colleges/institutions which were affiliated to different public universities since independence. About one million students are studying in more than 1600 colleges/institutions affiliated to this university.

The National University is expanding in terms of number of students, courses and institutions day by day. To day this university plays the most significant role to provide opportunities for higher education among the students living especially in rural and semi-urban areas. The university has taken a lot of important steps to improve the standard of education by formulating a modern uniform curriculum, providing training of the teachers and supplying teaching materials to the affiliated institutions.

The National University will published the Honours First Year Admission Test Results soon stay with us.

Honours Part-1 Admission Test Result (Sess: 2010-2011) Published You can check the results from
Click Here then search your college name and click download option and see your roll and merit list.

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