Whether you are signing up for your first credit card or shopping around for a better interest rate, you should be familiar with the major credit providers in the United States. Among them is J.P Morgan & Chase, more commonly known as Chase, which supplies banking services as well as credit cards.
1. Start your online application for your selected Chase credit card by logging onto the Chase website below
2. Click on the link to the category of Chase credit card you have selected, whether it be a retail card or college and university alumni card.
3. Hit the "Apply Now" button for the specific Chase card you wish to apply for after you have gathered the information needed to complete the application. This information includes your social security number and your gross income.
4. Be aware that you cannot apply for a Chase credit card online if you have a history of bankruptcy, overdue accounts, or have had another credit application denied by Chase within the past six months.
5. Provide your contact information, including your address and telephone number. You will also need to provide your work contact information.
6. State your gross income, which is the amount of money you make in one year before state and federal taxes are deducted.
7. Include the name of a second card holder in the fields provided if you will be sharing this card.
8. Click the "Submit Now" button to send your Chase credit card application to the bank.
Website: www.chase.com/credit-cards
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