Oct 1, 2015

www.ebtedge.com - Login To EBT Edge Card Account Online

To Login to your online account you just need a computer an internet connection and your EBT – EDGE credit card and follow the instruction.
  • Go to the banks Website which is www.ebtedge.com
  • Website has 6 major sections named as
  1. EBT Cardholders
  2. Florida Cardholders
  3. Agency
  4. EBT Merchants
  5. EBT Partners
  6. Child Care Providers
  • Left click on the section written as Card Holder Login make sure you are having your card at the time of login
  • On the front side of the card there is a serial number or you also know it as your credit card number.
  • Fill your card number in login window.
  • Press Enter to proceed to the account window of your credit card.
  1. Electronic Benefits Transfer account’s balance detail
  2. Go through you previous transactions.
  3. Or get hint that can be useful in future

Always make sure that you are entering the correct digits while logging in the website. If any of the information happens to be incorrect there will be an error and you won’t be able to connect to your profile.

For reading terms and conditions of the bank click on the section “term and Condition”. You can have banks contact information in about us section of the above given link.

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