Oct 3, 2015

www.kewes.ky.gov - Accessing Kentucky’s Electronic Workplace Unemployment Benefit Claim Filling Service

This activity will take a few minutes, but will give you much more in return. We have provided some simple instructions which will help you to provide all the things you are seeking for.
  • Visit our website www.kewes.ky.gov
  • An official page of Kentucky’s Electronic Workplace will appear to you.
  • On the left side of the page there is a column where a list of different categories is provided. You can access any of these options according to your interest.
  • In order to claim for unemployment benefits click the option “Unemployment Services”.
  • Next a page will appear to you. On this page three simple steps are given. You have to act step by step for completing the whole procedure.
  • Click the first step and get yourself Register.
  • Next, you have to file your unemployment claims. For this click the second step.
  • If you want to seek any kind of help then click the third step.
Thus, by seeking our unemployment services you will definitely get rid from unemployment sufferings. This will help to you build courage and lead a healthy lifestyle.

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