Dec 29, 2010 How to Create a New Email Address for Roadrunner

Road Runner High Speed Cable Internet allows each master account to have different email addresses assigned to Sub Users on the account. This allows everyone in your family to have similar email addresses as well as access to Road Runner's webmail and POP3 emailing capabilities. You can set up a new Sub User through Road Runner's online Self Care system.

1. Go to the "Road Runner Help and Member Services" web page (see Resources).

2. Choose your provider, state and city from the drop-down menus on that page. Then click the "Apply" button. This will take you to the "Road Runner Member" page.

3. Click the orange "Self Care" button located near the top right corner of the page. A new window will pop up.

4. Log in to the "Road Runner Self Care" website in this window by using your master account email address and password. The master email address was set up when you first created your Road Runner account.

5. Click the "Create New Sub User" link under the "User Management" title.

6. Enter the user information on the "Create New Sub User" form. The "New Sub User ID" will be the new email address for this user.

7.Click the "Create New Sub User" button at the bottom of the form once you have completed the form. Allow Road Runner to verify the new user in its system. You will be taken to a "Success" page once the email address has been created.

8. Click the "Return to User Management" link on the bottom of the "Success" page to return to your list of Road Runner email accounts. You should see your new Road Runner email in this list.

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