Jun 2, 2011

Duke Energy Cash Balance Retirement Plan Class Action Lawsuit Settlement

There finally is a settlement for the Duke Energy Cash Balance Retirement Plan Class Action Lawsuit Settlement. The settlement amount is $30 million. Apparently Duke Energy miscalculated the benefits for the retirement cash balance plan. This violates ERISA which is the Employment Retirement Income Security Act.

So if you are a Duke employee and took part in the cash balance plan from January 1, 1997 to December 31, 1996 and you retired before December 31, 1996. , you can take part. You can also take part if you took part in the plan from January 1, 1997 to December 31, 2002 and you retired before August 17, 2006. This must be before the age of 65.

Retirement is very important to me. I am hoping that I will be able to get my full retirement benefits when I decide to retire. As a single Mom, I am depending on that income during my golden years. I am not able to save more as I have a daughter to support. It is very upsetting when there is something wrong and the company tries to take some of your hard earned retirement income away from you. I do not work at Duke nor am I retired but if I did work there and had retired, then I would definitely try to get compensation in the Duke Energy Cash Balance Retirement Plan Class Action Lawsuit Settlement. If you wish to get more information, you need to go to the website below. You will however need to subscribe in order to read more. You can get a day pass for $2 to get more information. More Information visit www.greenvilleonline.com

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