Jun 2, 2011

www.debitcardsettlement.com - Debit Card Membership Fee Charges EFTA Class Action Lawsuit Settlement

The Vertrue & Adaptive Marketing Debit Card Membership Fee Charges EFTA Class Action Lawsuit Settlement information which can be found at www.debitcardsettlement.com, is about the monthly membership fees that were charged without your knowledge or consent to your debit card. You can take part in this settlement if you were a part of a membership program before January 2007.

I am in many membership programs and it is scary to think that these programs charge your debit card for fees that you did not know about. I know that I never check my statement so I would not even know that I am being charged. I have to check my statement to make sure that this did not happen to me. There are about 50 membership programs that are invovled in the Vertrue & Adaptive Marketing Debit Card Membership Fee Charges EFTA Class Action Lawsuit Settlement. Some of these programs inlcude AAA Gift Card Center, 24 Protect, PremierHealth Plus, Victoria’s Secret Escapes, Victoria’s Secret Hispanic, Victoria’s Secret Home, Victoria’s Secret Sport & Spa, Value Max and lots more.

So make sure that you check because you never know. If you received a call from a Telemarker and you enrolled in a program, check the list at the settlement website to make sure that you are not affected. More Visit http://www.debitcardsettlement.com/

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