A Visa Green Dot Card is a prepaid credit card you can use to build up your credit. Prepaid credit cards work by loading cash deposits onto it. You then use it as you would a regular credit card. However, you will only be able to charge up to the amount of funds you have loaded onto the card. You do not have an additional credit line. Prepaid credit cards are usually for people who have bad credit history and can't get a normal credit card. Keeping a positive credit history with your Visa Green Dot Card is a good way to put your credit report back into good standing.
If you want to active your card first open the package your Visa Green Dot Card came in and locate your activation number. The activation number will usually be on the back of the package or the instructions that come with the card. If you don't have the package or instructions, it is also located on the receipt under "PIN."
Then fo to www.greendotonline.com/OnlineActivation and enter your activation code. Double check that your activation code is correct. You won't be able to go to the next step without a valid number. After you check it, enter the security code in the box underneath it and click on "Continue."
Then Enter your email and contact information on the next page. You will be creating an account for your Visa card, so you will have to enter all the basic information. Once you finish entering your information, click "Next."
Deposit money into your Visa card. If you have online banking, you will be able to transfer funds to your Green Dot card. Even if you don't plan to deposit funds electronically, you still have to enter your banking information because you will be charged a purchase fee and a monthly activation fee. After you set up your account, you will be able to add funds to your card by calling Green Dot or logging onto their Web site. Your card is now activated. Once you have sufficient funds, you can begin using it.
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